Customer Testimonials

Trusted to get the job done right

Floyd has worked in all areas of automotive servicing and repairs in the Ringwood area for many years and he has a solid reputation for performing honest reliable quality work.

Our Customer Say

We have been in the Ringwood area for many years and value the trust we have earned.

Professional, no fuss, no mess, great customer service, pleasant, helpful, good price, great service. Local too. Very happy.
Joe Home
Have been a customer for many years. Extremely happy with the service and pricing. Highly recommend Ringwood Offroad for any mechanical issues you may have.
Ted Dugdale
Professional, no fuss, no mess, great customer service, pleasant, helpful, good price, great service. Local too. Very happy.
Joe Home
Have been a customer for many years. Extremely happy with the service and pricing. Highly recommend Ringwood Offroad for any mechanical issues you may have.
Ted Dugdale
Professional, no fuss, no mess, great customer service, pleasant, helpful, good price, great service. Local too. Very happy.
Joe Home
Have been a customer for many years. Extremely happy with the service and pricing. Highly recommend Ringwood Offroad for any mechanical issues you may have.
Ted Dugdale
Professional, no fuss, no mess, great customer service, pleasant, helpful, good price, great service. Local too. Very happy.
Joe Home
Have been a customer for many years. Extremely happy with the service and pricing. Highly recommend Ringwood Offroad for any mechanical issues you may have.
Ted Dugdale
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